JACKHAMMER 1.1.700 BETA CHANGELOG --------------------------------- NEW FEATURES - Compile Process window doesn't block the editor, you can edit the map during compile process; compile process can be interrupted by closing the window. - Support for loading models and sprites from packages (PAK, PK3), "Load resources from archives" option. - New decal renderer supports color and transparency preview; now decals look same in the editor and in a game. - JASC palette format support (e.g. exported by Wally); old binary pal files are still supported. - Viewing models in external program - "Open In Model Viewer" context command; path to the viewer can be specified in Jackhammer settings. Program must be installed separately (e.g. Half-Life Model Viewer). - Reloading model from disk ("Reload Model" command). - Default values of entity properties specified in FGD are removed on class change, which helps to keep properties clean and eliminate unnecessary properties accumulated on frequent class change. - "Invert Selection" (Shift+I) allows to invert current selection. - "Hide Curves" (for Quake III) allows to hide curves around the level. - Duplicate entities described in different FGDs are removed from the entity list. - New texture application modes "NULL to Selected" and "NULL to Unselected". - New texture application mode "Apply (texture + values + axes)" - besides texture and values, LMB copies texture axes from face to face; sometimes useful for retexturing with aligned to view axes, when exact camera placement is problematic. - Hull file viewer (Goldsource). - Cordon can now be applied to any exported map (not only to export right before the compilation). - Editor now remembers last opened, saved and exported map format. I.e. if you always work with RMF files, you'll be suggested this format next time you open/save your project. - Better support for cyrillic characters; editor now works completely in Windows-1251 encoding, but uses UTF-8 for paths under Linux. - Ability to remove FPS limit in 3D view; "Cap framerate at 60 fps" option brings it back. - New option "3D auto-selection" allows to keep selecting objects by mouse dragging (is also enabled with X hotkey). - Added new buttons for fast texture rotation (by 45, 60 and 90 degress) to "Face Properties" dialog (Shift+Click rotates backwards). - Automatic update check; editor doesn't download it, but informs about one and recommends to open the official download page. Option can be turned off in settings; update check may be also performed manually by the corresponding Help menu item. - Editor's framework is updated to the latest Qt4 version (4.8.7). - Added support for Gunman Chronicles, including FGD file and auto-config option in the installer. MINOR CHANGES - Ability to resize all viewports simultaneously using the crossing of splitters. - Additional shortcut "Shift+Q" for "Select None" (Ctrl+Q also works). - Removed blue edges of alphatest textures in "Animate textures" mode. - Default Texture Scale is not a part of gameconfig, not a global setting. - Internal editor sprites are moved to a package (sprites.pak). - Maximum value of Model rendering distance increased to 8192. - Seamless texturing (with Alt key) now doesn't require key release to grab new texture. - Shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+W" is now used for "Ignore groups" (resolved VHE issue with duplicate "Ctrl+W" shortcut). - Shortcut "Shift+T" - apply current texture to selection. - When IG mode is turned off, only those objects that are parts of groups are deselected, not all. - PgUp/PgDn move objects along the Z axis in all views, including 3D view. - Textures from "Missing textures" group don't reset current group to the latter, but prefer "All textures" group. - Hotkey O in Clipping Tool toggles clipping size info. - Hotkey P in 3D view toggles 3D-Grid. - Qt is build with NAS support under Linux (sound playback should work with NAS enabled; see FAQ for the details). - Installer now remembers last install path in Registry. BUG FIXES - Bug with texture coordinate offseting with "hot" texture loading in the editor. - Bug with Rock primitive creation. - Bug with selection in Selection Tool. - Bug with ignorance of 3rd dimension of the box in Selection Tool. - Bug with removing objects in Vertex Tool. - Bug with one pixel scrollbar offset in texture browser. - Bug with broken texture animation chains in WAD (HL, Q1) and WAL (Q2) which led to hang-up. - Bug with loading maps using file associations (i.e. by clicking in Explorer). - Bug with spaces in paths in Expert Mode configs. - Bug with viewport resizing. - Bug with 2D viewport scrolling with something selected. - Fixed shortcuts "Ctrl+W" and "Ctrl+F4". - Crash when editor was loaded with floating side panels. - Crash when saving paths (Path Tool) to RMF. - Crash when plugins were missing. - Precision problems when rotating by 90/180/270 degrees. - Installer bug with keeping configs in "My Documents" even if user decided to wipe existing configs.